We Visited INVEX-B User Banks

Related departments of banks using INVEX were visited and their suggestions were received regarding the subjects studied, especially TAKBİS integration and electronic signature. TAKBİS integration, one of the technological opportunities that have emerged in recent years regarding real estate valuation, has been met with interest by the sector, especially in terms of accelerating the valuation process. TAKBİS integration is one of the technological opportunities that have emerged in recent years. TAKBİS integration is particularly welcomed by the sector in terms of speeding up the valuation process. The scope of the experiences with the INVEX-B application, which was integrated with the expertise departments and TAKBIS were shared. With TAKBIS integration, many tasks will no longer require Land Registry Office research or will require a shorter time frame. In particular, information was given about the time-saving efforts on the part of the experts. In addition, information was given about the map tools with increased GIS capabilities, which are still in progress. An electronic signature is another subject on which there is an intense exchange of views. After the general information about the use of electronic signatures, details were shared about the continuing work on the INVEX-B application.